Now is a time of shake-ups.

Whether the shake-up is a break-up, a job loss, a death, or a diagnosis, every shake-up has a reason for being.

Consider it your wake-up call.

Even though the call came out of nowhere, the call is not good or bad.

Think of it as a gift.

Your girlfriend leaving without explanation is as clear a sign as the acid reflux you sense after every “Happy Meal” of fried foods. It serves to show you something is out of balance. To ignore the signs and suppress the symptoms further only means you’ll be dealing with it later. In spades.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Every shake-up offers a choice. You can either point the finger and cast blame or accept responsibility for your role. After all, this isn’t really about the girlfriend or the Happy Meal. They are merely reflections of every choice you’ve made to this point in time.

Notice the burning in your stomach. The emotion is there for a reason. It is medicine for healing. It is the cause and the cure. Sit with it. Embrace it. Let it rise up. Only then can you learn to release it, recognizing that it no longer serves you to hold onto it.

Take a deep breath. Then another. Use the extra oxygen to see the situation as a ball of energy from which to separate yourself. See the ball as having its own life, apart from you. You are the observer. Notice how the breath cools the burning.

Other people are going through their own shake-ups. Don’t let yourself get too heady. Don’t overanalyze. Don’t judge. Take the time to be alone with yourself. Meditate. Listen to music. Walk in nature. Find your center. Ground to the Earth that is always there to support you.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

There is no need to “get away” since “wherever you go, there you are.” This is an opportunity to check-in with yourself and ask some hard questions. Then listen.

Do you fill yourself up with others? With food? Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Every relationship with others or with food is about the relationship with yourself. What will really fill that void?

Wake up to pure unadulterated love. Love is the fuel of the cosmos. It powers the stars and every atom. Love is universal, free energy that never runs out. Love is who you are and always have been. Love is fueled by the heart. You only have to open the valve.

Image by Noupload from Pixabay

Fill the void with more of you. Make a commitment to love yourself first.  Be with yourself and by yourself. And come back into balance. No one else is going to do the work for you.

Your commitment to love yourself is the gift that keeps on giving. It draws others to you who are also fueled up.

You are the reason for being. Be the love you wish to see in the world. Now that you are awake, you can really shake things up.

Note: There are natural remedies to help you come into balance. Along with meditation and yoga, Bach Flower Remedies can help balance emotions. Read about them here

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