Spring is a time of renewal and regeneration, a time of sowing seeds of change to realize a bountiful harvest to come. Spring is a fresh opportunity to lift our individual and collective consciousness out of the gutter of Duality to create a New Paradigm.

Duality is a reality of distraction that keeps us separate and divided. It is the war of opinion between good and bad, right and wrong, us vs. them, blue vs. red, anti vs. pro. It is dressed up in a two-party system voting for the Lesser of Two Evils by the Haves and Have-nots.

The oppressor-distractors have kept collective humanity bound in mental chains, numbed to our connection with our bodies, our consciousness, and the planet. In our stupor, we have allowed planetary resources to be pillaged and our own energy to be harvested.

However, Spring brings the dawning of a new Age with a new 24,000 year planetary cycle, and a new opportunity to reclaim our true nature of Unity and Freedom. We are born free, but as long as we consent to be governed by thugs, we remain oppressed. We are One, but as long as we take sides, we remain divided. The truth lies within. Literally.

The truth of our own DNA reflects Oneness. Oneness is reflected in the 97% of our DNA scientists have wrongly and purposely termed “Junk DNA.” Our junk DNA  is the part that we have in common with all species; our universal umbilical cord. The 3% of our genome on which science has focused our undivided attention is that part that differentiates us. Focusing on the 3% has diverted us from seeing our unique creativity, innovation, and power.

As U.S. citizens, we construct this paradigm through a lifetime of conditioning and consent. We agree to statutes that regulate us as corporate entities without human rights. We pay “taxes” to fund war. We give up our personal power by proxy through those who re-present us in CONgress. We manifest a sense of powerlessness through devotion and allegiance to a system outside ourselves, from the Pledge of Allegiance to a daily dose of Tel-A-Vision programming, and through every public educational, political, and religious system in between.

As Planetary citizens, we have the power to deconstruct this paradigm. We only need the will and the knowing that the path out of Duality Reality resides with us.

The time is NOW to see that everything playing out around us is a reflection of our thought projections based on our programming. Thoughts and perceptions are “things” and they manifest into matter through pure potentiality. Physicist Thomas Young showed how this is possible in his Double Slit experiment in which he demonstrated that light-matter is both wave and particle in nature and that these natures are inseparable. Light has the potential to be either a wave or particle depending on if you’re watching it or not (ie. Observer Effect). The observer collapses the wave function simply by observation. The observer is all-powerful. The observer is you. Your perception alters realities. You are a creator.

“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” – Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD.

To understand physics in this way leads us to a new awareness. We suddenly understand how powerful, autonomous, and interconnected we are with everything around us, just like the planets of the solar system, the atoms in a molecule, and the ecosystems of nature. We are nature. Nature is us.

The leaders of nations who control health and create wars well understand our true nature because they manipulate it like the stock market, the oil supply, and the food supply. What they don’t want you to know is that they do it all by controlling people’s perceptions through fear.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear. – Jack Canfield

What would happen if entire nations began to perceive differently? Perceive peace, cooperation, understanding, love, and autonomy? What if we could go back to making our own energy, growing our own food, and taking our own natural medicines, all of which are birthrights? We could literally transform the planet and change the paradigm instantly.

If you control perception, you control humanity. The time is NOW to take back control, and create a new experience for humanity:

1. Change your programming: Reprogram your subconscious beliefs and fears that hold you back. Go within to find your own answers. Through quiet self-reflection, visualization, meditation, or shamanic journeying, you can identify thought patterns that no longer serve you or the planet. Accessing your Higher Self in these ways provides a direct connection to Source at any time. Use your life experiences as a gage for change. To the extent that you see the same situations repeating in your life you have not done the work. Keep going. Work with energy healers and shamans if necessary to understand your energy blocks. Releasing thought patterns of victimization changes your cells down to your junk DNA as well as the reality you project.
2. Unleash Your Creative Gifts: You came here with everything you need to create what you desire. They are your unique gifts and passions. Your Inner Child, your Spirit, knows what they are. Simply ask or remember what stirred you to action when you were a child. You’ll get an answer. Take that child by the hand and be led forward to your creativity. Then unleash it. You are not here to work to pay taxes. You are here for a purpose. You are here to create.
3. Connect to the Earth. You are directly connected to the Earth so don’t forget to ground yourself to it. Earth’s frequency or core heartbeat, known as the Schumann Resonance, resonates at 8 Hz and reflects your own frequency. It overlaps with four of our EEG wavelengths (alpha, beta, theta and delta). When you connect your bare feet to the bare earth, you synch up your self-healing system. You reconnect to yourself and the planet. If you consider yourself an Earthling, then do some Earthing.
4. Be Change: Be peace if that is what you want to create. Find a sense of inner peace to create outer peace. Inner terrain creates outer terrain. Not everyone will be open to join you since not everyone is ready for change that takes them deeper into themselves. Everyone is at a different point and that’s okay. We are each responsible for our own thoughts, actions, growth, and experiences. As each of us embraces change, we heal. When we heal on one level, we open up to healing on new levels. This healing vibe reverberates outward like waves to affect others who are ready to change themselves. Work through the heart with love, as love is the highest frequency. The more our thoughts and actions are centered in the heart, the greater and faster the effects are realized.

Until we perceive of our true power, which is our inherent connection to all things, we remain our own worst enemies and captives of Duality Reality. Our fear frequency feeds a  reality which grows stronger through ignorance. As our freedom to be who we are is increasingly threatened, it is critical to have strategies that break free of the old patriarchal past. The ability to create a new paradigm rests within each of us. We are the answer to our greatest fears.

The time is NOW.

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