Facts without theory is nonsense, and theory without facts is bullshit.’ You have to have both.
– Dr.Tetyana quoting her professor

Recently I viewed a video lecture by Immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, who spoke on the effects of vaccines on immunity; Facts, Theories, and Choices. Are they Making Us Immune or Not? She investigated the Theory of Herd Immunity and the Facts for the rise of viral Measles. The fact that measles outbreaks are occurring in highly vaccinated populations, she says, is due to the disappearance of the natural immunity transfer cycle – the transfer of natural immunity from mother to infant.

Since the mid-1960’s, the CDC’s world focus on vaccines as “prevention” has all but driven out the original immunity – Natural immunity – from the discussion and from the body. In our reliance on Artificial, antibody-induced Immunity, we are losing our connection to nature and the wisdom of the body to heal itself.

Natural Immunity means mothers have the ability to transfer natural protection to their infants through the placenta and through breast milk (if the mother is immune and has those antibodies and other immune factors).  After birth, this protection lasts for about 6 months and continues with breastfeeding.

Historically, measles did not occur before the age of 6 months because maternal immunity was passed on from unvaccinated mothers. From 6 month to 2 years, children were more vulnerable to measles unless the mother continued to breastfeed. After 2 years, the baby’s innate immune system took over, prepared to heal itself.

“Breast milk is protective against invasive bacteria, ear infections, meningitis, and diarrhea. Also in the reduction of chronic diseases. There is everything to be gained by breastfeeding and nothing to lose. If an infant needs one vaccine that is safe and effective, that would be breast milk.” – Dr. Tetyana

In her lecture, Dr. Tetyana reveals that increased incidence in measles outbreaks are occurring in younger children now (less than 6 months) and in highly vaccinated (97%) populations because of the gradual elimination of maternal immunity due to vaccination of the mother.

The evidence became clear from the last major measles outbreak in the 90s in the US, where some infants developed measles and some did not. The difference depended on the year the mother was born.  Moms born before 1963 (before the Measles vaccine) were less likely to have their infants contract measles as compared to younger moms who had been vaccinated. Bottom line: Children who are now exposed to measles outbreaks are much more susceptible to contracting measles because they were not born with natural protection.

“We’ve eliminated the natural immunity transfer cycle,” says Dr. Tetyana. She noted that this same pattern is now playing out in Africa, in younger moms who’ve started vaccinating. These African infants now have measles before 6 months.

“We see this progression, the loss of natural immunity being passed down and yet we ignore it. We are instead now pushing on to eradicate maternal immunity with new mild childhood illnesses (chicken pox, rotovirus, and the next mild childhood diseases). We will be repeating the same mistakes we didn’t learn with measles.”

Amidst this population-wide devolutionary shift, the CDC response is to increase the 2015 schedule to ten vaccines given to 6-month old infants: Hep B, DTaP, Pneumococcal, IPV, Influenza and MMR. In addition, the CED recommends the Hep B, Influenza, and DTaP vaccines for pregnant women “to protect the baby and mother.”

What does this mean? 
It means infants who have lost maternal immunity because mom was vaccinated are at highest risk for contracting measles. “At the time when the protection is most needed you can’t have it,” Dr. Tatyana says. It also means infants without a functional immune system are being exposed to higher doses of toxic vaccine ingredients at an earlier age.

The CDC’s website claims that the US population is 95% compliant with the MMR vaccine, well above the 80% coverage of 2 year-olds necessary to prevent sustained measles outbreaks, also known as “herd immunity.”

The CDC talks out of both sides of its mouth. On one side, it claims childhood immunizations are at or above target levels, while on the other it blames the recent outbreaks on unvaccinated children. The vaccine debate serves as a distraction from the real issue of the loss of our rightful heritage; our natural defense systems.

Dr. Tetyana warns that for the infants of vaccinated moms, if you hear of an outbreak, you can no longer rely on those who have been vaccinated (herd immunity) to protect your infant from acquiring measles.  You’ll need to quarantine your infants. Such recommendation is a complete 180 from only a generation ago when parents eagerly awaited word of a neighbor child with measles so their own children could be naturally inoculated.

Based on decades of literature for anyone to see, she summarizes:

1. Natural viral infections lead to permanent immunity.
2. Attenuated, or inactivated virus (vaccines) have only transient protection. Not long-term immunity. Serotiters wane quickly, sometimes within 6 months.
3. With mass vaccination we are creating a leaky herd immunity. Infection can leak through, and fails to protect infants (for whom vaccines were intended to protect in the first place).
4. There is genetic variation in populations in how one responds to vaccines, or in how it affects immune response, which cannot be corrected by boosters. Only a small fraction are considered “high responders” with high serum titers

However, high serum titers do not mean that the person in protected. According to a 1999 article in Science, entitled, “Immune System’s Memory Does Not Need Reminders,” a titer test does not and cannot measure immunity, because immunity to specific viruses is reliant not on antibodies alone, but on memory cells, which are not measurable. Memory cells are what prompt the immune system to create antibodies and dispatch them to an infection caused by the virus it “remembers.” Memory cells don’t need “reminders” in the form of re-vaccination to keep producing antibodies.

This is corroborated in a separate 2012 study in Cell Press showing that antibodies are not necessarily required for antiviral immunity.

Dr. Tetyana lists the choices available going forward:

1. Public Health Model: mass vaccination – eventually eradicates the virus or bacteria and with that the disease is gone (if the exact virus is identified; see Polio vs. Acute Flaccid Paralysis, same symptoms with no identified virus).
The problems:
1. gamble on the side of vaccine efficacy and vaccine risk because everyone is different. What applies to one child will not apply to another.
2. doesn’t invite any concern about natural immune defenses. Vaccine immunity is not the same as naturally acquired immunity.

2. Personal Health Model: Coexist with viruses by making sure immune system can interact with virus.
How to ensure robust natural immune defense:
1. breastfeeding
2. high quality nutrition
3. avoidance of fever suppressing medications.
4. use of homeopathy

Today, measles continues to be endemic in other countries like Mexico. Nobody is dying of measles but the rate of measles infections is rising significantly in US vaccinated populations. Over the last ten years, there have been zero U.S. measles deaths, but over 100 MMR-associated deaths with 111 claims settled for the MMR vaccine since 2004 by the US Vaccine court. All the science must be scrutinized, and old, out-dated theories shoud be put to rest once and for all.

Articles on Vaccine Failure:
Measles (rubeola) in previously immunized children.
Measles outbreak in a fully immunized secondary-school population.  N Engl J Med 1987 Mar 26;316(13):771-4
MMWR Measles in an Immunized School-Aged Population — New Mexico Vol 34, No 04;052 02/01/1985. 98% of students were vaccinated against measles before the outbreak began.
Largest measles epidemic in North America in a decade – Quebec, Canada 97% vaccinated. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23264672
Sutcliffe et al. (1996) Outbreak of measles in a highly vaccinated secondary school population. Canadian Medical Association




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