supermanThe contrast between light and dark is no more clear than now.
This dichotomy is playing out in the escalation of corruption and lies at the highest levels.  It is also playing out in the rising tide of truth being revealed by whistleblowers at the highest levels. History repeats itself in a negative feedback loop only as long as the we submit our power to the powers outside ourselves.

When people see the contrasts around them, they are faced with a choice. They can feel helpless and expect Superman (government) to come to the rescue or they can don their own capes and be their own heroes.

Recently, CDC senior researcher William Thompson, PhD rose to the occasion by revealing that he and his colleagues omitted data from the 2004 MMR-vaccine study that showed a significant association between the MMR vaccine and autism.

The ramification of his admission threatens the very bowels of the medical industry, the most profitable industry (next to the Vatican, which struggles in its own scandalous cycle). Thompson’s choice to shed light (with the help of researcher Brian Hooker, PhD who repeated the original study) came as a result of his inability to sleep at night, for withholding the truth at the expense of millions of children who continue to become neurologically damaged by the MMR vaccine while the industry continues to profit.

Dr. Diane Harper, leading HPV vaccine developer responsible for the studies claiming safety for the Gardasil vaccine, also spoke out about the irrelevancy of the vaccine so that she, too, might finally be able to sleep at night.  Harper said, “About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have HPV at some stage of their life. Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself.” However, since the introduction of the HPV vaccine, thousands of girls suffer from neurologic damage, tics, seizures, and autoimmune disorders. The side effects include unusual epidemics in clusters around the world, as well as hundreds of deaths.

The light also shines on a case moving forward in court resulting from two whistleblower virologists who, in 2012, accused Merck Pharmaceutical company of lying about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine.

All vaccines now contain the adjuvant aluminum, a known neurotoxin (heavy metal) that causes inflammation to the gut and the brain, resulting in the degradation of the immune system and expressed in conditions with names such as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), mylagic encephalomyelitis (ME) known as chronic fatigue, multiple sclerotic (MS) lesions,, Guillain–Barré and ASIA (Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants), to name just a few.

We might as well call an adjuvant what it is– a poison. Poison directly into the muscle by vaccination bypasses the body’s natural defenses, the immune system. Western medicine chooses not to disclose the truth about the immune system, the body’s ability to heal itself of any virus or infectious disease when given the right tools.

When the contrasts become stark enough to keep the mind in a fog and prevent sleep, it’s time to turn on the light and listen to the hero within. It is no longer expedient to expect government to come to the rescue when they and the courts have granted vaccine makes total immunity from lawsuits resulting from vaccine damage, and are openly showing themselves to be the cause of the problem.

Listen to your own light, step into your power, and rescue yourself.

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