The New Atlantis is a utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published in Latin in 1624 and in English in 1627. In this work, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human knowledge as he expressed his hopes and ideals for humanity. There is also evidence to support that Atlantis was an evolved, ancient city whose ultimate corruption, plundering, pillaging, torturing, manipulating, controlling, poisoning, and abuse of powers in exploring the dark side, led to its extinction around 1050 BC. Utopia and Dystopia.

Few people may know that Sir Francis Bacon was a Free Mason who had a major influence on the founding of America. Along with the Pilgrims who came to America for religious freedom, secret societies (occult) who followed Bacon’s work came with another agenda – to use America’s military and financial power to establish democracies throughout the world, and to restore “The Lost City of Atlantis.”

Has America followed a course controlled by an elite group using secret knowledge that has led to ongoing war, starting with the American Revolutionary War? As religious tensions rise around the world, fueled by war in the Middle East, is humanity at a precipice that could lead to a fate similar to Atlantis?

Many predict we are about to enter a period of extreme environmental change, with both natural and unnatural disasters, due to geo-engineering and scalar technologies that have escalated worldwide unchallenged. Evidence shows that a cartel of globalists plan to carry out an agenda (see UN Treaties) to further centralize government over the next decade (2018-2028) to further suppress humanity and end freedoms.

At the same time, nothing is “set in stone” and even the best-laid plans can go awry, especially when enough people wake up to the reality of their own power. In this dual reality, contrasts are par for the course and they are intensifying for a purpose – to warn and awaken us. For every negative act by government and globalists, there are equal powerful positive acts by large numbers of conscious, caring people who take action. This is the only way an uncontrollable growth can be reversed. But focus is necessary.

A New Way Of Being

 The scales can tip in a positive outcome for Earth and humanity as long as we wake up to our power of creativity and freedom. A new way of being must include the following:

  • grow or source food locally
  • strengthen the nervous system against stress from EMFs, using Bach Flower remedies, essential oils (subtle energies), and herbs such as Blue vervain, Valerian, Lavender, Lemon Balm CBD oil, and others to relax the body.
  • eat clean foods,
  • enhance the immune system (hydrate, supplement, EMF protection, etc).
  • spend time in Nature,
  • withdraw consent to a corrupt Federal government,
  • boycott corporations working against human interests,
  • join together in communities to create sustainable food and economic systems
  • build strong positive emotions,
  • practice clear communication and relationships,
  • connect to the “higher self” in meditation to dissolve disruptive thoughts that keep you spinning,
  • examine core beliefs in cases of negative thought forms
  • act with integrity, create boundaries to protect energy
  • appreciate the beauty of Nature, offer thanks to the land
  • be Love

Threats To Human Evolution

The worst thing we can do in this electronic Age of Information is to be plugged in and ignorant. So prepare yourself for the 5G Cell Tower roll out. Not only is the new 5G revolution dangerous to biological health (EMF damages chromosomes and DNA), but these technologies affect behavior to create addictions and apathy. Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are used in mind control. They affect memory. They cause tumors. EMFs cause great distress to all life. This technology weakens the aura, the immune system, the nervous system, creates brain fog, and confusion. It keeps humanity and the planet in a low vibrational state. Just ask why the insurance industry is withdrawing RF exposure coverage.

Another threat to the survival of the species is seen in the younger generation, which is increasingly infertile. Genetic modification of food, drugs, vaccines, EMF exposures leads to infertility. The Transgender Movement and “gender dysphoria” serve to shift focus away from the divine masculine and divine feminine. Today, our biology (genitals), no longer determines gender due to neurobiological and genetic changes. Biological confusion paves the way for Transhumanism (cyborgs and Artificial Intelligence). In addition to “smart technologies,”  new embryo gene-editing technologies known as CRISPR, that changes biology are approved under the guise of deleting mutations to benefit humans.

Create a New Core Belief

Ensuring freedom for all is only possible if we can dramatically shift our current state of victimhood. To create a new paradigm is to create a new core belief structure that starts with the individual. In this way, each of us accepts personal responsibility to change our course. When enough personal realities resonate at a higher frequency, shift happens on a grand scale.

Example Core Belief: “I cannot heal myself” (underlying belief: “I am not worthy”).

Exercise: Begin to state the belief in a new way for one hour each day. “I can accept that the body can heal itself if given the right tools.”

On another day, add: “My body has an innate ability to heal itself. I honor my body. I love my cells. Because my body can hear my words and thoughts, and heal itself, I am a creator and worthy of love!”

On another day, add: “I am a force of Nature. I am matter and energy. My energy ripples out to effect change on a physical level.”

Eventually it becomes obvious that if we believe an idea for an hour, we can believe it for much longer. As soon a core belief is shifted, cellular memory is re-patterned.  In supporting the body with clean foods, clean water, natural herbs, essential oils, we align the mental, physical, and emotional; body, mind, and spirit. We come to understand how the body speaks in its own language. We plug in to ourselves.

The Atlantis Reset

Moving out of a system that steers us toward extinction means observing and understanding what is going on multiple levels of existence. Humanity’s previous extinction during the time of Atlantis came out of the misuse of energy by dark forces that saw the planet as a genetic laboratory and a resource center. Through genetic engineering that altered the genders, and technology that created human-animal hybrids for entertainment and sex, the agendas favored one group’s pleasure rather than enhancing all life on Earth.

Sound familiar?

The Atlantis Reset sent Earth back to the Stone Age to begin anew, a new cycle of creation for soul evolution. Ignorance is no excuse in the Age of Information. Ignorance breeds distraction. Distraction with war, economy, entertainment, and digital technology keeps humanity from clear thinking and evolving. Ignorance keeps our very cells numb and stagnant because energy stops moving.

Are we the new Atlanteans granted another opportunity?

To ignore the signs around us is to repeat a past cycle of extinction by signing our own death certificates. In our tunnel vision we neglect the power that connects everything in the multiverse, which is Consciousness…. which is Love. We are Consciousness and Love. Consciousness evolves as it creates, a spiral moving upward and outward. However, Consciousness can also spin in circles and lose power if we allow it.

When we can finally accept our power to create, and accept that we are more than what we see in the mirror, that we are also subtle light energy that works on multiple dimensions, simultaneously, we change our personal reality. When we raise our frequency, our energy ripples out to change the outcome for Earth. Every act to take care of the Earth, accumulates. The water of Earth reflects the water of the body. Water has Consciousness and memory. When we offer gratitude to Earth, Earth responds.

We have a small window of opportunity during a time that ends a 26,000 year cycle and a 260,000 year cycle. Earth is primed to collapse timelines from the current 3rd-4thD time cycle to a 5D cycle for those ready to advance to the next level of spiritual freedom. However, such freedom means taking ownership and responsibility for our beliefs since creative power via thought-manifestation is much more immediate in 5D (i.e., not for novices). For those on the fence, take note of the possibilities that await us on a probable 3D timeline, see an abbreviated timeline here.

If the health of Earth is not restored, it will be lost. Earth will eventually reset itself back to the Stone Age. She’s done it before (see pole shifts). The land remembers. As we move forward, know that the soul is in control. Through the “oversoul” or “higher self” we all connect to the Highest Source, a Prime Creator force that is everywhere. We choose our direction, whether by consent or by default. We need to know the difference.


Rosanne Lindsay is a board certified Naturopathic doctor and Tribal healer under the Turtle Island Provider Network. She is a writer, Earth keeper, Health Freedom advocate, co-founder of Wisconsin For Vaccine Choice, and author of the book The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay and Natureofhealing and consult with her (long-distance consults available) at

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