nika with earth

What have we created in a world where Congress passes the Monsanto Protection Act and the President signs it against the wishes of millions of People? Why does one of the biggest of Big Ag need protection from the Federal Courts?

Does Congress really represent We the People of the United States of America? Isn’t the President the Commander in Chief sworn to uphold the law of the land and the Constitution?

Words are powerful. Misunderstanding language, terms, and phonetics, the spelling of words can cast a spell over us. Words used in legal situations are meant to look similar to commonly used words but they are only symbols, hence the need for legalease, legal dictionaries, and legal fictions. A legal fiction refers to a fictitious fact that is treated as true under the law for purposes of legal expediency (i.e., a lie). In other words, all is not what it appears to be.

The landmass known as the Continental United States is called the United States of America (Major). Alternatively, the United States of America Inc. (Minor) is a foreign owned corporation that resides in the District of Columbia (also a corporation). Corporate law requires a corporation to have a president and a vice president. Therefore, the president of the USA Corp. is chief of a foreign owned corporation.

In which United States do you live?

As US citizens, we are really employees of a corporation. If you want proof of this, look at line 15(A) in title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you will see this sentence, ““United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation.”  The act that legally turned the USA into a corporation was the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871.

Moreover, if you live in the USA Corp., you are considered an enemy of the federal corporate government under the “The Trading with the Enemy Act.” When you understand this concept, you see why the Monsanto Protection Act protects Monsanto’s interests above your own.

Under the corporate USA, our political and court systems function under Admiralty/Maritime law the law of the sea, not the law of the land. Every time you see the word “ship” it is there for a reason. These laws deal with commerce on the sea. Under Admiralty Law if you are missing for 7 years, you can be declared legally dead. This is why people lost at sea are declared legally dead after 7 years.

US citizens first lose their natural, free status through the birthing process. A baby is considered cargo that comes through the berth canal. These words are specifically chosen because you are made of water and you were born from the amniotic sac. You are registered via the birth certificate (bond) so the cargo (you) can board the citizenSHIP. The government can now legally claim you as a corporate entity, a legal fiction by your name written in all CAPITAL LETTERS. Through your unintended “consent,” you’ve agreed to be this artificial PERSON or legal name.

Samples of your DNA (blood and placenta) were taken at the hospital where your mother docked, by dock-tors, as physical proof the government uses to identify you. Your birth is announced (in the paper or computer). Under maritime law, this alerts the public that they found parts of you and anyone who wishes to claim you as alive has seven years to do so, after which time you will be declared legally dead.

Even though you are declared legally dead at age seven, there is no official burial at sea. However, you are no longer regarded as a living woman or man. From this moment on, the government owns your legal name and can legally claim your estate. The birth certificate is actually a certificate of debt slavery which is why it is recorded on a bond. Later you will receive a taxpayer ID# called a social security number for the government to acquire debt which you will pay off through your labor, time, and energy.

As parents, when you regis (of the king) ter, your child, through the “berth certificate,” you effectively give up title. You give up sovereignty. We are indentured into private trusts when we sign over our birthrights via the birth certificate. Likewise, when two legal persons get married with the State (via marriage license) they sign over any and all property to the corporation. This is why the State can take the property of parents, including their children. All property belongs to the foreign corporation.

Increasing cases of “medical kidnapping” (removal of children from the home) reflect this predicament that is serving to wake a sleeping People. When a Parent’s Bill of Rights is necessary to secure “the rights that parents deserve” it really means that parents don’t have rights. Natural rights don’t require laws. They are inherent. Laws serve to change rights into privileges.

In 2013, Vernon Hershberger, an Amish small raw dairy farmer in Wisconsin stood up against tyranny when he was targeted by the government for providing fresh, real milk to his co-op members without a license. Mr. Hershberger knew he was not subject to State jurisdiction as a private entity offering private membership to the members in his co-op. He understood his rights when he said, “Why take a right, turn it into a privilege, that can be taken away?”

This bears repeating; US citizens are owned by the corporate nation states. Unknowingly, each becomes a legal person with no rights. Your legal name is the corporate name that the government uses to identify you.

The truth is that you are not your NAME, in any sense of the word. A name is merely a label you choose to identify with, whether you go by your given name, or a nickname. Likewise, we have also been conditioned and indoctrinated to believe that everything we do requires a license. However, do we really understand what a license is? A license is permission to perform an illegal ACT. “All legal CODES, ACTS, AND STATUTES, are prohibitive. Therefore in order for something to be licensed, it must first be declared illegal.” -Scott Duncan

What about our right to vote?

Image by skeeze

In legal terms, your right to vote is only  a privilege because to be a US citizen means that you are a legal person, a corporation a fictitious entity that has no rights. So, when politicians tell you that you have the right to vote as a US citizen, they are lying to you. And remember, when you vote, you are voting for a president of the foreign corporation. Is this “ship” sinking in now?

Most courts worldwide are controlled by government corporations. The People have no voice in what passes for justice. If you find yourself in court, what you say there is of no consequence. In court you are the NAME and paper that defines you. Your NAME is indeed your bond and you are traded on the stock market and can be penalized and fined. You are currency. The court is effectively a laundering scheme to extract money from your bond.

The systems claim we delegated them the authority, though we did not knowingly do so. Kings claimed the divine right to rule, then governments claimed the right of kings. However, the people never agreed to be subjects of the king or the Captain of the ship.

These words and concepts are critical to understand as, more and more, what you say is censored to protect the State. For instance, when it comes to matters of personal health in Europe, you cannot use the words “probioitics” “prebiotics” or “superfood.” In the USA Corp. the American Medical Association, another corporation is threatening gag orders for medical doctors who don’t tow the party line or who speak of alternative therapies. What happened to free speech and open markets?

What about the Constitution? We the People?  When the authors captitalized the words We the People (capitonym) the meaning of the words changed to reflect a particular group of People, like the signatories themselves, or those who take an oath to uphold it (President, public officials, servants, military/police).

The Constitution is proving fruitless in preserving human rights in a system under which you have been commercialized and monetized. To be clear, you are a unit of currency. Under this paradigm, your energy is being syphoned through your labor and at your expense. Through words, taxes, unjust laws, and actions, your energy is literally being harvested.

Whether we realize it or not, through our consent (in ignorance), we are the cause of our own suffering to the system which enslaves us. Once we realize our error, the first step becomes choosing not to consent.

We have been conditioned, programmed to purposely not understand the system, just like we cannot understand legalease, or the language of doctors. Leave it to the “experts” is the excuse we are told to accept so we don’t worry our pretty little heads. The fact is that truth is not complex. Truth is simple.

Maybe we have to be ignorant enough to believe in our true nature. We have to believe that peace is more than a word, that it is more than an idea. Peace is a state of mind and a feeling. It is something we create in the moment. If enough of us recognize the power of peace that we are we can move false monuments, and mountains, too.

Image by Gerd Altmann

The momentum we generate by joining together as individuals who accept our creative abilities, will gain in direct proportion to the frequency we are putting out. We can withdraw consent from structures, laws, and paradigms that no longer serve us. These sixteen powerful words are a start: “I do not accept this offer to contract and I do not consent to these proceedings.”

Sacha Stone of New Earth Project working to create a New Earth says, “Be concerned with our own inner journey. Don’t give a damn about external world. It’s more important to focus on our own footsteps. Self-organize, self-determine, self-govern. We need to be connected in a new covenant of fellowship. We don’t need to be bonded as wage slaves in a paradigm which is owned and controlled by covert and occultic elites, I call them the Babylonian Priesthood.”

“We cannot talk about it in current concepts because it is a quantum phenomenon that is unfolding. It is not fixed. There is no endpoint. We will default into our true nature, our own creative expression…. To allow each of us to be the architects of our own lives, engage in our own creativity, with spirituality, with consciousness. All the right stuff, organic farming, permaculture, zero-point socio-economics whereupon money and cash will not be required in these communities. We are not asking permission.”

Image by Gerd Altmann

We are the only species who pays to live on this planet. That is by man-made design, not natural design. The goal should be a higher state of consciousness. We need to own our truth and act on it without fear.

The latest power grabs of the corporate world are forces without foundation. As people awaken, private corporate nation states are beginning to collapse. Exploitation and war can end once and for all when we say so. Once the curtain is pulled away, and we see that the Emperor has no clothes, the world will change quickly.

We need to wake up to the power of our words and the power of our choice to identify with a higher form of reality and then become the architect of the life we truly want for ourselves and our families on a New Earth. We need to be the change we wish to see.


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