What is the boundary between lies and truth?


The phrase, “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth” is attributed to the Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels.

Repeated exposures to an unfamiliar piece of information could increase a perceived truth rating of that information, regardless of whether it was actually true or false. Thus, the illusory truth effect was coined. This is a good reason to always talk about the truth first. Then, briefly note the lie before going back to the truth.

The American $22 trillion economy was shut down due to a 0.1% death rate for something called Covid-19. Governors proclaimed that states would be shut down until they could “flatten the curve.”

Quietly, before the shut downs, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the appointed messenger for Covid19, wrote in the March 2020 New England Journal of Medicine that Coronavirus was no different from a normal flu. He wrote the truth:

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively 2T

Few people ever read his obscurely published statement. Instead, Fauci went to the media to say exactly the opposite, that Covid was deadly and contagious, a pandemic!  And he said it over and over again. Despite the fact that the Covid death curve has fallen flat, facemask mandates are now being pushed nationwide in blatant contradiction of the truth.

In fact, facemask requirements have increased due only to increased Covid testing. However, the test, itself, is not accurate. The PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction) was invented by scientist Kary Mullis as a manufacturing technique, not as a diagnostic tool. Mullis wrote, “PCR is a needle in a haystack technology that can be extremely misleading in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”  Yet, the validity of the test is ignored. The push to get tested is repeated over and over and over again.

If you take an antibody test and test positive, it means you are now immune to the virus. And that’s a good thing. It is your immune system working as designed to protect you should your body see the virus again.

Mask Mandates

Test or no test, according to medical science, healthy people should never wear a mask. See my article To Mask Or Not To Mask?  Yet, politicians who promote the Covid-mask narrative wield the power by the Golden rule: Those who own the gold? Rule. Still, practicing medicine without a license is an offense punishable by law.

Mandates are not laws. However, current herd behavior shows that people tend to be followers. If they see other people wearing masks, they are likely to do the same. For instance, 60% of Ohio is under a mask mandate. Alternatively, more than 90 of the Kansas’ 105 counties have opted out of the mandate. Amidst the mask mayhem, no one stops to ask if the surgical mask protects the surgeon from infection?

A contemporary questionnaire-based study, which attempted to assess the attitudes of surgeons, revealed that 96% of responders wore facemasks.1 About equal numbers did so with the primary aim of protecting the patients compared to protecting themselves. However, it was also found that 20% of responding surgeons wore the mask for the sole purpose of respecting tradition.

What does the medical literature say about the benefits of surgical masks?

Unmasking the Surgeons

Image by pisauikan

In 1897, the first mask in a surgical setting was a mask composed of one layer of gauze. Its primary function was to protect the patient from possible bacterial contamination to the surgical site. In 1898, two layers of gauze were recommended. In 1918, mask sterilization after each use was recommended and mask replacement after it became moist. No hands should touch the mask. In the 1940s and 1950s, antibiotics and aseptic technique became the main strategies of infection control within the surgical setting.

Gauze masks failed during the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’ Pandemic despite the widespread use of masks. Some experts at the time concluded that masks made from gauze “failed” to help slow infections on a citywide scale in San Francisco. However, death rates in San Francisco were identical to other cities where masks were optional. By the end of the pandemic, masks had provided to be a false sense of security. See a list of reasons why the masks failed.

A 2015 article in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, titled Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery says,

overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination. More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks.

A 1993 article in The Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons in England:

For nearly 100 years, it has been used in an attempt to reduce wound infections. but in recent years, studies of clinical wound infections rates have failed to demonstrate any benefit from its use.

In one study in 1981, no masks were worn for a period of 6 months in the operating theater. There was no increase in incidence of wound infection.

In a June 2012 article in Nursing Times, an analysis of a Cochrane Review “showed no statistically significant difference in the incidence of post-operative surgical wound infections resulting from surgery in which face masks and that in which masks were not used.

Masked Contamination

The accumulation of moisture, during prolonged usage, increases resistance to air flow through the filter itself. Moisture accumulation is also thought to facilitate the movement of contaminants through the material of the mask itself by capillary action. These bacteria can subsequently be dislodged by movement. Friction at the face/mask interface has also been demonstrated to disperse skin scales which can further contribute towards wound contamination. (The Lancet, Nov. 1976)

Because of their design, surgical masks can contribute to infection through: “wicking”, in which moisture travels by capillary action; “leaking”, in which breath passes around the mask instead of through the filter; and “wiggling”, in which skin cells are dislodged by the mask into the air. This corresponds roughly to the size range of infectious bacteria while viruses are even smaller. Therefore, the protection that masks confer in the form of macroscopic facial contamination may not necessarily extend towards any microscopic infectious agents present within that contamination (Schweizer, 1976).

If a Cloth Mask (CM) is used for long time, the ear loops become stretched. The pore size of masks ranged from 80 to 500 μm, which was much bigger than particular matter having diameter of 2.5 μm or less (PM2.5) and 10 μm or less (PM10) size (Belkin, 1997).

Masked Distraction

Image by JL G

In the May 21, 2020 New England Journal of Medicine, the article Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era described masks as symbolic:

Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals.

What is clear, however, is that universal masking alone is not a panacea. A mask will not protect providers caring for a patient with active Covid-19 if it’s not accompanied by meticulous hand hygiene, eye protection, gloves, and a gown. A mask alone will not prevent health care workers with early Covid-19 from contaminating their hands and spreading the virus to patients and colleagues. Focusing on universal masking alone may, paradoxically, lead to more transmission of Covid-19 if it diverts attention from implementing more fundamental infection-control measures.

Despite illegal government mandates, it is the people who have stopped asking questions and being curious. It is the people who have given up their power to Public Relations, i.e., Social Engineering, a term coined by Edward Bernay’s in his book, Propaganda. It is PROPAGANDA that has convinced the world to don a mask to distract from the fact that deaths from Covid have been falling, even as testing has increased. Testing does not equal death.

This masquarade was tested and failed in 1918. Masking is a distraction from: 1) the fraud of the PCR test, 2) the need to breathe oxygen, and 3 ) the right to choose and assert your independence, and 4) the ruse of the Germ Theory.

Since the time of Hippocrates, Natural healers have known that the human body is born with an innate immune system. Humans are 10:1 more microbe than human cells. There is nothing to fear from our microbes, our smallest inhabitants, unless they come out of balance. The solution is to bring your microbes back into balance using the tools of Nature. Today, people’s fear of germs is based on the 19th century Germ Theory by Louis Pasteur. However, on his deathbed, Pasteur reportedly retracted his Germ Theory in favor of his colleagues’ Theory of the Terrain, when he stated that health is based on the strength of the terrain (the immune system), not the germ.

Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything. – Louis Pasteur

The problem is that no one in the 21st century got the memo about germs. Is it time to say goodbye to the Germ Theory?

Unmasking the Messenger

Covid messenger Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that he wears a mask as a “symbol” of what “you should be doing” during a pandemic while he ignores the lack of scientific consensus on mask effectiveness. People do not have to follow the example of the person who holds 4 COVID-19-related patents.

Image by John Hain

Fear of a Coronavirus – a cold virus- has shut down the world economy and removed your right to choose. That’s because if you repeat a lie enough, people think its true.

To this day, Coronavirus has never been isolated, purified and has never been 100% proven to exist, nor 100% proven to be the cause of the disease dubbed Covid19. In a few short months, masking has become a ritual that has moved from the surgical theater to the public arena where each person must play his/her part on the Global stage, or be shamed. Note: There are no laws that require anyone to wear a mask while in the public arena.

Are we repeating the failed masking experiment of 1918?  Will people cower to facemask mandates to go about their business as “the new normal?”  Will people allow an injection to replace the mask as the next ritual? Government is established to serve us, and protect our rights, not to enslave us.

Mask-Freedom Action

As major box stores (Target, Lowe’s, Aldi) add facemask mandates Peggy Hall, of The Healthy American, suggests several positive actions to retain your right to choose. According to the laws, you can shop mask-free. There is no statutory law that requires anyone to wear a mask all the time. And most businesses have a discrimination and harassment policy on their websites to ensure an environment that is fair and courteous, free from discrimination.

Hall recommends calling and writing businesses for special shopping hours for those who cannot wear a mask.  Shoppers who cannot wear a mask “can shop in comfort and confidence, free of discrimination, harassment, and intimidation (which violates federal and state civil rights laws).” If you are an employee or a shopper, see a sample letter to request mask-free shopping at your shopping venue. Or create a card for your state similar to this one to preserve your right to go without a mask. Peggy Hall says, “Evil hates the truth. Lying has to happen on an ongoing basis. The truth is irrefutable.”

In Canada, visit getmad for MAD – Mothers Against Distancing – for united noncompliance to protect your choice to wear a mask, and to protect our children’s future to make a choice.

Dispel the myth. Unmask the truth.



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