You were born to heal.  There is no rulebook on healing. We are all healers by birthright.

In order to appreciate that inherent quality, we have to see ourselves as part of Nature. As Nature is self-sustaining, self-healing, and self-regenerating, so are we.

To be a healer means to acknowledge all our aspects; physical and non-physical, body, mind, soul, and spirit, and to align those aspects. To align means to:  1) treat the body as a temple of the soul, 2) to say what you mean and mean what you say, 3) to listen to your body’s language, 3) to express, not suppress symptoms, and 4) to feed and balance all your needs; physical, emotional, and spiritual.  Therefore, we cannot solely focus solely on physical traits.

The creative process means you are always adjusting to the elements in your environment, and those elements are not only physical but also metaphysical. They are not only people, places and things, but thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As an energy being, you are always giving and receiving parts of your unseen self to maintain balance, and that manifests through your relationships. If you are out of balance in your relationships, you are out of balance emotionally.

Healing Is Individual

You are the creator of your health and the healer of your diseases. You do not require a medical system or a white coat to fix you. Your power to heal comes not from a book or a doctor with a degree. Power comes from within and from your ability to make choices. The power to heal is the freedom to choose. So healing equals liberty. You can choose to love or to hate, to accept responsibility or to blame. Your status today is  the result of your choices. To say that others determine your choices is to say that you have no power and no freedom. If people feel disempowered it is because they have given their power away to others. They are not responsible for their choices. They are victims instead of innovators.

To change your status, focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Do it deliberately instead of by default, consciously vs. unconsciously. Creative juice comes from your beliefs about who you are. You don’t create the world. You create the world you occupy. If you want your reality to shift, then you need to do your part. Then, when enough of us are focused on doing our part, a tipping point is reached.

Building A New Heart-Based Reality

To heal a culture of dis-ease, one that takes without giving, we must be willing to leave old thought patterns behind by creating new ones. Within each of us are the generative higher frequencies of caring, freedom, love, all heart-based frequencies. Healing the current disease-based reality is only possible by being kind and loving to ourselves. As Within So Without. We must accept ourselves unconditionally, flaws and all. As soon as we accept and love ourselves, we don’t need others telling us who we are. We don’t need to ask permission from authorities who claim they are here to save us from ourselves. The victim reality fades away so the healing can begin.

All darkness, war, destruction, disease we see around us is a reflection of the way we feel about ourselves. Knowing that manifestation is emotion-based gives us the power to reverse dis-ease. We have to be able to direct our emotions in a way that serves us all.

In whatever challenge you face, step back and see the bigger picture. Give yourself permission to find the positive aspects and start deciding what you are FOR instead of against. You create with the tone of your vibration. Heal yourself and heal the planet. You are only as healthy and free as you believe yourself to be.

Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopathic doctor, Earth Keeper, liberty-lover, writer, and author of the book The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet. Find her on Facebook at Rosanne Lindsay, and Natureofhealing, and her website at 

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