You were born to heal.

There is no rulebook on healing. You are a healer by birthright. You only have to see yourself as part of Nature. As Nature is self-sustaining, self-regenerating, and self-healing, so are you.

To be a healer means to claim responsibility for your part as a healer.  Others do not heal you. You heal yourself.

To be a healer means to acknowledge all of your aspects; physical and non-physical, body, mind, soul, and spirit, and to align those aspects. To align means to:  1) treat the body as a temple of the soul, 2) to say what you mean and mean what you say, 3) to listen to your body’s language, 3) to express, not suppress symptoms, and 4) to balance yourself; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Just as Nature finds balance within an ecosystem, your cells find balance within the body, and you find balance within your relationships. As you give and receive to maintain an energetic balance in relationship, your cells reflect the dynamic. If you are out of balance in your world, your cells are out of balance in theirs.

Healing Is Individual

You are the creator of your health and the healer of your disease. Your power to heal comes not from a book or a doctor with a degree. Power comes from your ability to make choices for yourself.

The power to heal is the freedom to choose. So healing equals liberty. You can choose to love or to hate, to accept responsibility or to blame, to be a victim or an innovator. Your state of health today is the result of your choices. To say that others determine your choices is to say that you have no power and no freedom. If you feel disempowered it is because you are not responsible for your choices.

To reclaim health is to focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want, to do it deliberately instead of by default, consciously vs. unconsciously, and to be responsible for your actions and the consequences of those actions.  You don’t create the world. You create the world you occupy. If you want your reality to shift, then you need to do your part to make it happen. You need to grab the bull by the horns and take action.

Building A Heart-Based Reality

To heal a culture of dis-ease, one that takes without giving, we must be willing to leave old patterns behind by creating new ones. Within each of us are the generative higher frequencies of caring, freedom, love, which are all heart-based frequencies. Healing the current disease-based reality is only possible by being kind and loving to ourselves. As Within So Without. You create a ripple that affects others around you. But you must first accept yourself, flaws and all. When you are able to love yourself, it is easier to love others.

Victimhood, war, destruction, disease we see around us is somewhat a reflection of the way we feel about ourselves as humanity. Knowing that the Spirit is infinite and eternal means we do not die. There is power in knowing that.

Give yourself permission to be your own healer and let the healing begin.


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