Spring is the season for rebirth and regeneration. What better time to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit than through the liver, an organ known to regenerate itself if part of it is surgically removed?

“It was at one time considered the seat of life; hence its name— liver, the thing we live with.” -Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, Tales and Memoirs

As the body’s largest filter and gland, the liver accumulates toxins from exposures to food (pesticides, GMOs), water (chlorine, fluoride), air (barium, aluminum, etc), vaccines, medications (Tylenol®), mercury amalgams, make-up, lotions, alcohol, as well as from the effects of stress (i.e., anger is stored in the liver). Liver disease affects now one in ten Americans. For a deep cleaning, consider multi-dimensional cleansing both your physical and spiritual aspects.

Physical Cleasning:

The liver is a detox powerhouse responsible for more than 500 (possibly 5000) functions. Your liver:

  • Synthesizes glutathione, an important antioxidant that removes toxins (heavy metals and chemicals) from the body,
  • converts sunlight to vitamin D3, critical to the immune system function,
  • purifies the blood,
  • makes amino acids, which become protein,
  • makes steroid and sex hormones and affects your libido, menstrual cycle, and timing of menopause,
  • creates digestive enzymes and immune cells, and stores vitamins.

If your liver isn’t happy, neither are you.

Signs of a Sluggish Liver

  • Sallow skin color and poor skin tone
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Yellow-coated tongue
  • Bitter taste in the mouth
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Premenstrual tension
  • Arthritis
  • Inability to digest fats

Key Health Benefits of Detoxification

  • Feel young, look great
  • Increased vitality, energy, and stamina
  • Reduction of allergic symptoms
  •   Improvement of digestive functions
  • Better concentration, clarity and mental focus
  • Enhanced mental performance
  • A sense of calm and ease
  • Increased resistance to illness
  •   Reduction in risk for many chronic diseases
  • Reduced symptoms of chronic toxicity
  • Weight loss

Easy Ways to Detox the Liver:
Coffee enema:
Use organic, caffeinated (lightly roasted) coffee. After the coffee cools to approximate body temperature, the enema is administered and held for up to 20 minutes while lying on your right side, then relieved with a bowel movement.

Lemon/lime water: Juice of ½ a lemon or lime in warm water first thing in the morning. Lemon becomes an alkaline ash in the body to balance pH.

Chlorella and other green super-foods: Chlorella purifies the liver and the blood, serves to nurture gut bacteria, and promotes bile production.

Burdock and Dandelion teas (or as herbs): To purify the blood and strengthen the liver.

Betonite clays: There are internal and external versions that carry out toxins from the body. You can soak in a tub of Bentonite water. Or drink 1 Tbsp. hydrated Bentonite clay in water before breakfast and before bed.

Milk Thistle: as a tonic strengthener for a few weeks.

Castor Oil Packs: externally applied over the liver to decrease inflammation for optimal liver function, to improve digestion and the healing of tissues, and much more. Great procedure for kids.

Water: Spring (clean) water against dehydration. A general rule is half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory. This spice is excellent for liver virus or infections. Cook with turmeric or check out this recipe for golden milk with turmeric, ginger, ghee, full-fat coconut milk, and raw honey.

Green Juicing with Beets

Vegetables: broccoli, brussel sprouts (brassica family), artichoke.

Spiritual Cleansing:
Spiritual Cleansing has been used for thousands of years. It clears negative energy, energetic blockages, and Spiritual disturbances that can be easily picked up in our daily lives. If you feel blocked, negative, or stuck repeating the same negative patterns, a Spiritual cleansing can reset the mind and recharge your energy.

The liver resides in the third chakra, the seat of your personal power.Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the liver to be the seat of emotions. When this chakra is unbalanced, anger can rule your life. Kundalini yoga offers many Kriyas, meditations, poses, and chants using the breath for spiritual and physiological development. For body-mind-spirit cleansing the liver from anger, check out these poses for detox, as well as this yoga exercise and liver detox salad.

Love your liver. Your liver will thank you for it.


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