Sounds simple enough, right?
The Universal Law of Attraction says, “like attracts like.” This law is based in pure energy.  Underneath and between it all, energy is what you are.  Everything is energy. Words are energy and thoughts are energy. Energy is mutable and changeable. It can be transformed into matter. Therefore thoughts become things.
Mind into matter.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.  Watch your words, for they become actions.  Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”  – Unknown

Like an artist who takes up the brush, you create your life with this Universal Law whether you realize it or not.  What you see in people and situations around you are the expression of this law.

For instance, if you are a worrier, you give energy to manifesting worries. You create what you are.

Likewise, if you see the world as a magical place, and lead a charmed life, it is because the energy of your imagination gives rise to your desires.

Go ahead, take this idea out for a test drive. I dare you. But you have to embrace change and not fear it. The nature of matter is constantly in flux. Change is the only constant.

Attraction is a universal principle that everyone understands whether you learned it in science class or on the playground. It is a force that seemingly draws together forces that resonate. If this is true then dissonant forces repel each other.

There is a science at work here. And it’s simple. As your thoughts become more clear about what you want (or don’t want), they grow in your subconscious mind.  This energy attracts other similar energies and minds that are conditioned in the same way.

Your thoughts directed by your intelligence are a great power and provides you a great tool of freedom. This freedom is expressed in every choice you make.

So be clear about what you want and choose wisely. Imagine. Visualize. Then act on it. Without Fear. Create positively for a positive outcome. Then take the necessary first steps to make it happen.

As a holistic practitioner, I have determined that I want to attract a certain clientele to my practice. I want my clients to want to help themselves, and be self-sufficient in their health. I want them to appreciate that if you don’t have your health you don’t have much of anything else.

There is an energy exchange in any relationship. For my guidance and teaching, I expect my client to take up her own torch and walk her own walk. I want someone who is eager to help herself without depending on me to hold her hand every step of the way. This type of client must take a leap of faith and trust in herself.  This is a commitment to her body, mind, and soul so she must address everything showing up in her life. If she wants to lose weight, she must seriously look at her life and shed those things (clothes, junk, relationships) that no longer serve her. She must work from the inside out.

I only expect to see a client 3 to 4 times because by then, he or she should have established a new routine and taken steps to change their way of thinking and be-ing so that they create the outcome they desire.

Presto Chango!  So be it. That is exactly what is happening!

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