In life, there are two types of people: those who get caught up in the chaos, and those who can separate themselves from it.
Allowing yourself to spin in the rinse cycle of life means that you choose to believe that life is a force that has control over you. You are a passive observer, not an active participant.  You seek answers outside yourself because in school you were taught to listen and obey.
You have come to accept that an expert in his field knows what is best for you even if he doesn’t know you personally. After all, he has a degree. Why would you question authority?

For instance, one day your doctor tells you that you need a second colonoscopy procedure. When you ask why he tells you the first one was “inconclusive” and he is “unsure” what he saw exactly, even though you drank that awful concoction that completely cleaned you out. “In life, nothing is guaranteed,” he says. “But you need a second procedure. And this time you will have to remain awake and will experience some discomfort.”

He is talking about your gut. But your gut is telling you in its own language that something is wrong… and its isn’t your gut. Your gut is your intuition. It’s gentle nudging suggests that you have your own internal guidance. Do you trust this man with the stethoscope around his neck and do what he says, or do you listen to your body’s wisdom?

If you are able to step back to see the rinse cycle spinning through the glass window, then you are suddenly in control. You notice that the good doctor failed to mention what might happen if he finds something “conclusive.” Or what the next procedures (i.e., chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery) might mean.  He failed to mention the cause of the problem, how to prevent future problems, or any alternative options.

The truth is that when it comes to your body, you are always in control. You always have a choice. When faced with a decision, there is no need to rush to judgment. Trust your gut. Consider your options. Do some research and speak with a naturopath, homeopath, or functional medicine doctor.

Knowledge is power. Knowing your options gives you the power to separate yourself from the chaos and find your own answers. When you stop spinning, you claim responsibility for your own health

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